Friday, June 29, 2007

We’re Not Changing---Just Getting Better!

Don’t worry---we’re not changing. I’ve gotten a few comments about my blog that talks about the new traditional service we are starting in July. Some people have been concerned that we are changing our overall service format. But, fear not; we are not changing. The new traditional service is just one of the new service options we are adding for you. This new service will be the only service that will have a more "traditional" feel. Our other services will still give you the same Celebration Experience you have come to love over the past few years--we will just have more of them--a total of 9 weekend service options by the end of July at the Deerwood campus alone. As we grow, we realize that everyone has different needs. We want to make Celebration a church where everyone can feel comfortable and connect with God in an atmosphere that works best for them. Even though we are calling this new 8:30 a.m. service a “traditional service”, you can bet it will still have the Celebration feel. So if you have friends or family who haven’t been quite comfortable in our services, invite them again. This may be just what they are looking for!


Julia said...

Hi Stovall,

I smiled when I read about the new service. We've gotten to love the Annex just because I'm a starbucks addict (sugar free vanilla latte!) and get cold with the air conditioning, so I like to sit in there and sip on some hot coffee. Both my husband and I love the music of Celebration. Chris Tomlin, Michael W. Smith and the Hillsong group are my favorites. Tim is a drummer and a guitarist, so he pays special attention to the band/instruments. We've commented on how my baptist mother would keel over if she knew we were coming to a church that didn't sing hymns. Worse even, there were people who thought you'd go to hell if you had drums in some of the NH churches I was exposed to. Anyways, it seems as if you've touched all bases with regard to various people's preferences.

Did you see the dedication to Billy Graham and his new library? I missed it the first time around, but caught it last weekend - sadly after his wife died.

Anonymous said...

We are very excited about the new traditional service. My husband and I just moved to Jax to be close to our daughter and family who attend Celebration. We had listened to many sermons via the internet and were excited to come to Celebration. HOWEVER, at 60+ the music and lights were just too much for us. BUT NOW, we can enjoy Celebration Light! Thanks for making this possible!

John Lambert said...

Wow. You are the first of the younger Pastors I've seen do this. I have seen how our churches alienate a certain segment of our communities because of the loud music, the wild lighting, and so on. I love it, but I know it's too much for some. So, it's great to see that you guys are stepping out to try something new to reach more people for Jesus and get the Word of God into more people's hearts. Keep up the good work there in Jax.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Dear Pastor Stovall,
You are a man of such vision and foresight! I couldn't agree with you more that we need to make God accessible to all ages.....and to all people! ...each of us comes to God from a very unique perspective, and we, as children of God, are called to respect and affirm whatever path He makes available for us to help shepherd His lost sheep into the fold. God is SO good, isn't He?!!!

We love you and Kerri and miss you out here in OP......come back and see us!

In His love,

Anonymous said...

Hi there Pastor Stovall,
First of all I want to say I miss my Celebration family sooooooo much I have moved from Jacksonville since last October and I tell you there is no other church like Celebration. I miss my volunteer work there at the church it gave me a sense of giving back to you and Keri after all you have done for that community. When I was in dire straits the church reached out, when christmas came around you shred with the less fortunate of families. Most of all walking in the way of the LORD and not just teaching it.... but lived it, and walked it! You and keri are great of examples of Christ! thanks for sharing your christian walk with not just me but my three sons and the community...... Dont ever think you dont and havent made a difference, you all have! Love in CHRIST. Hope ford and boys