Thursday, July 19, 2007

Here's What's Goin' On

Don’t forget about our new services and service times beginning this weekend. Check out the church website for info. We now have 18 weekend service options at 5 campuses. Also next month we will be announcing our new campus launches for 2008 so stay tuned (especially those of you who live at the beach) for the next round of campus launches.

Small groups -- as you know small groups are going to the next level here at Celebration – Keep up-to-date through our website at

August 10 -- You don't want to miss the big event that will kick off our new ministry for married couples... MarriedLife. The goal of MarriedLife is to provide you with the essentials for marriage and connect you with other families along the way. We are kicking off this new ministry with a night of fun, dinner and lots of laughs! You will have the opportunity to meet the fall group leaders and get connected with other families at Celebration Church. You can purchase your tickets at the resource center or online at


Anonymous said...

Celebration is such an amazing church! It's so exciting to see the constant expanding that is taking place! I want to express to you, Stovall, how impressed by, and moreso how truly grateful I am for, the existance of Celebration Church and everyone who makes it what it is. Before I ever attended Celebration I felt that I was really connected ("plugged in") to The Lord and His Word. I never looked forward to going to church but rather viewed it as something I did to honor God, because it was what God expected, and attending service on Sundays seemed like an awfully small 'sacrifice' to make for God considering ALL that He is and does for His children & especially considering the REAL SACRIFICE He made to give all of us salvation. Now that I attend Celebration Church it absolutely blows my mind that I thought I was connected before, that I thought I was feeling the presence of Jesus Christ to the fullest in service before, that I actually thought of church as sort of a chore (I never had known different), etc., etc., etc. The way that Celebration has affected me, the changes that have taken place, in my perception and in my entire being, now knowing what church CAN be all about and what it really means to go to service and be filled with The Holy Spirit...Man, it's incredible. I get so psyched just talking about it! It's a place that has changed my life forever and has brought me so much closer to God than I ever realized I could be. There really aren't words that could do justice in my attempt to express what Celebration Church means to me and so many others. I love it and I extend my sincerest thank you to you for "doing what you do". You are the perfect person to be the Pastor and leader of this amazing place. I have never, ever witnessed a pastor, preacher, or other leader of any church with the charisma, passion, sincerity, ability to have the congregation laughing like crazy one minute and the next being able to reach deep down and touch our souls, and I could go on, but I certainly don't want to get longwinded (haha). Oops- too late for that! Seriously, thank you so much for all that you have done and continue to do that changes people (and their lives) from the inside out.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Pastor,

Ditto, ditto, ditto, to Laura's comment!!!!!!!!

We LOVED walking into church to see you and Kerri standing there(OP) on Wednesday night, especially since I'd just asked you in the blog to come back for a visit! "Ask and you will receive...!" Praise the Lord! What an AMAZING sermon Pastor Katie preached. We just love Pastor Darren and Katie, as we do all of the other wonderful pastors at Celebration.

The sermon on God's supreme authority and on repecting authority in our homes, lives, schools and churches should be a REQUIRED VIEWING for entering adulthood, especially for every parent and teenager today. Maybe Katie can even do a "translation" for children!!! What a different world we would live in. Onward Christian Soldiers!

Words cannot express the amazing spiritual growth, the love, and healing and friendship I've experienced in the last year and a half at Celebration!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Come back and see us now, ya heah?

Julia said...

I have gone to church as long as I can remember - becoming a christian at age 7. I was in Sunday school ignoring my Sunday school teacher and wishing the clock would go slower so I wouldn't have to go home to the violence that awaited me. I stared into the eyes of a tall cardboard Jesus that was being used in my lesson. I remember the kindness that was portrayed in his eyes and the desire to want to feel loved by this "man". The desire to feel peace.

I have lived both sides of life, sometimes loving church and God and other times cursing them....and never finding peace. After years of becoming disillusioned, surprisingly, I never stopped believing in prayer. The world and christianity had let me down, but I really couldn't blame God for anything that was wrong in my life. In what had become sadness & borderline depression, I found myself praying more and talking less.

In 2004 I was relocated via my job and my husband and I joked about going "church hopping" trying to find a church that would fill our needs. Bordering on discouraged we visited Celebration. It's become a real part of our every day. My husband is thrilled that I no longer sleep, make the grocery list or draw silly pictures with my daughter during the church service. I am ministered to in both music and the word of God....and every Sunday includes practicalities of every day living for every day people in every day situations.

The pastors are wonderful and the love of God is real. In finding Celebration I have learned to embrace the peace I have been looking for. I now believe God is with me always and can feel his love. When I make mistakes and decisions that God would not have praised, I don't feel a finger pointing at me telling me what a bad girl I am. Instead I know I can ask for forgiveness and feel God's arms around me....always